What is the most popular pattern on Ravelry?

Shawls are, by far, the most popular pattern type that Ravelers look at; and, not surprisingly, projects requiring fingering weight yarn outnumber all other yarn weights combined.

Who owns Ravelry?

Type of businessPrivate
OwnerRavelry, LLC
Founder(s)Cassidy and Jessica Forbes

What percentage does Ravelry take?


3.5% of sales, billed monthly. The service is free if you sell $30 or less in a given month. If you sell more than $1500/month, fees are reduced. See the pricing page .

What is the most popular pattern on Ravelry? – Related Questions

Is Ravelry better than Etsy?

Etsy is a steady profit margin of 83%, no matter how large your sales volume is. Ravelry is also a steady profit margin of 91% and an even higher percentage if you set up micropayments in Paypal (94% profit margin if you’re using this feature).

How does Ravelry make money?

We offer pay-per-click, pay-per-impression, and flat rate advertising to companies that are related to yarn and the fiber arts. I wrote an ad serving system specifically for Ravelry – since we serve our own ads, we don’t pay any fees or commissions to anyone else.

How does Ravelry work?

Ravelry provides a personal notebook for fiber artists to keep track of their projects, yarns & fibers, tools, and pattern library, a rich database of patterns and yarns, and a community with thousands of forums and groups to connect with other Ravelers over any interest you could think of.

Are Ravelry patterns free?

These all are free patterns that you can start knitting right now. By filtering, we whittled down the results from 80,000 to 109, which is much easier to select among! After you’ve knitted up your project, post photos of your knitted work onto your own Ravelry page.

Do you get paid for pattern testing?

Usually, the tester does not get paid in money to make the item. The tester will receive a free copy of the pattern they are making and most designers I know give another free pattern as a gift at the end of each pattern test.

How much do knitting pattern designers make?

$35,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $77,000 is the 75th percentile.

What knitted items sell best?

Best Knitted Products to Sell at a Craft Fair
  • Hot Trends.
  • Baby Items.
  • Children’s Accessories.
  • Accessories and Apparel for Women.
  • Kitchen Items.
  • Washcloths and Bath Items.
  • Small Toys.
  • Christmas Ornaments and Decorations.

Can you make a living off knitting?

The obvious way that you can make money from knitting is by selling your knitted goods. Whether you do this at craft fairs or online via websites such as Etsy, selling your knitting is an enjoyable and profitable way to turn your hobby into a full or part time business. There is a clear market for hand knit goods.

Does it cost to sell patterns on Ravelry?

Pattern Profit

*Ravelry Sales Fee is assessed on monthly sales totals, not individual transactions. Monthly sales <$30 or >$1,500 are not subject to this fee. A 3% fee of EU sales occurs once you reach the >$1,500 threshold.

Where can I sell my old knitting patterns?

Ebay would be a good place to sell bundles of knitting patterns, as well as individual ones. The fees on Ebay used to be a lot higher than on Etsy, but I think it is about the same these days. In fact, you don’t need to pay insertion fees on Ebay (they give you a set allowance of free listings every month).

How do I start selling on Ravelry?

How to Get Started with Ravelry
  1. Create your Ravelry account (from the email invitation sent to you), fill in your profile info and photo in the About Me section. After that step, you can start browsing for your designs in the Patterns tab.
  2. You can also use Ravelry to keep track of your FOs and works in progress.

Is Ravelry a good site?

Overview. Ravelry has a consumer rating of 3.2 stars from 508 reviews indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Consumers satisfied with Ravelry most frequently mention fiber arts, white supremacy and social media. Ravelry ranks 2nd among Yarns sites.

Whats happened to Ravelry?

So what happens now? It’s clear Ravelry is not currently interested in making more changes to support people who say the site is now unusable, leaving them needing to find alternatives (I’ve shared a post here with some information; there are even more details and options on this post from WIP Insanity.

Do people still use Ravelry?

Ravelry boasts about 8.5 million registered users. Half a million of these are considered active, and there are 40,000 subgroups.

What can I use instead of Ravelry?

Pattern Sales Platforms
  • LoveCrafts is an easy option for many designers, as you can upload patterns directly or import from Ravelry.
  • Etsy seems to be a love-it or hate-it platform for designers.
  • KnitPicks/WeCrochet is another yarn and pattern destination site unique to the KnitPicks yarn brand.

What is the best Ravelry app?

Enter Wooly, an incredible mobile app that does everything you want Ravelry to do, right from your phone.

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