How do I log into my Hotmail email account?

Sign in to Hotmail or

Go to the sign-in page and select Sign in. Enter your email address or phone number and select Next. On the next page, enter your password and select Sign in.

How do I login to my email account?

How To Get My Email On My Android Email App?
  1. Open the email app on your phone.
  2. Select your email provider from those listed (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail/Outlook, etc) or the “Other” option.
  3. Enter your email account information as directed on the screen.

Does my Hotmail account still exist?

Since Microsoft transitioned Hotmail to Outlook, going to redirects you to Outlook’s webmail service, which currently lives on the domain

How do I log into my Hotmail email account? – Related Questions

Does Hotmail still exist 2022?

Well, Hotmail was rebranded as Outlook several years ago. Hotmail doesn’t exist as a provider any longer.

Why is my Hotmail not working?

It is because the older version of the Outlook app or can also be the reason behind Outlook Hotmail not working. An older Outlook app or browser version can also cause problems. For this, you have to update your browser version and Outlook app version to the latest one.

Is my Hotmail account now Outlook?

Microsoft has already pushed through the upgrade, so if you create a new Hotmail account now, it will automatically be an Outlook account.

Where is my Hotmail account?

A Hotmail account IS an account. Just connect to, log in with your Hotmail address and password, and you should see your mail. Hotmail was renamed to back in 2012, but all addresses in use at that time were retained.

Does Microsoft deactivate Hotmail accounts?

After 365 days of inactivity, your email will be deleted and cannot be recovered. After 5 years of inactivity, your Microsoft account will be deleted and cannot be recovered.

Did my old Hotmail account get deleted?

Happily, you no longer have to log in to Hotmail every month to keep your mailbox., Hotmail and other Microsoft services now stay active unless you fail to log on for 270 days, which is almost nine months. The old rule about logging in within the first 10 days still applies.

Do old Hotmail accounts expire?

After 360 days (five days short of a typical year) of inactivity, a Windows Live Hotmail account is permanently deleted. If you don’t use your Windows Live ID (which is your Windows Live Hotmail email address) for 365 days (about a year), it, too, can be permanently deleted.

How do I reactivate my old Hotmail account?

Reopen your Microsoft account
  1. Go to and sign in.
  2. You’ll be asked to receive and enter a security code. After you enter the code, your account will be reopened.

How long before a Hotmail account is deactivated?

Two years. If you do not sign in to your Hotmail or other Microsoft account, (all now managed using at least once every two years, the account is considered “inactive” and may be removed.

Why did my Hotmail account get deleted?

Just to clarify, accounts will be purged after 365 days of inactivity. Note: Since the account has been inactive there’s no way that the lost/deleted emails or folders will be recovered.

Is my Hotmail account hacked?

Hotmail has been merged into Microsoft’s Microsoft Account services. If you have been locked out of your account or have observed suspicious behavior (for example, unfamiliar emails sent from your address or unauthorized purchases associated with your account) then it’s likely your account has been hacked.

Do email accounts expire?

E-mail expires or disables with inactivity

For example, users who do not log into their e-mail account at least once every thirty-days can have their accounts deactivated. Those who use Gmail, another popular free online e-mail service, will not lose their e-mail unless the account is dormant for nine months.

How can I check if an email is active?

Visit , enter the email address and it will show you if its active or not. This web tool is similar to other tools in its email verifying function. It requires you to enter the email address and click the check button.

How do I recover my expired email account?

Most email providers have a way for you to recover access to your account. Many email providers support a way to send a recovery link to a predesignated email address or phone number. When you click this link, you can select a new password and log back into your account.

Does your old email get deleted?

Once an email account has been terminated, it is not possible to restore the data that it contained – for reasons of data privacy, the email provider has to delete all the emails and other information in a closed account.

How many email addresses should I have?

Therefore, for every user, we recommend having at least four different email addresses for all of the resources they access on the internet.

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